Step 1 of 3 33% Supervisor InformationName* First Last Email* Employee InformationName* First Last Current Job Title:*Job Responsibilities:Start Date of Current Position: MM slash DD slash YYYY Year(s)*Month(s)*Please enter a number from 1 to 12.Previous PositionPrevious Position Start Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Starting PositionStarting Position Start Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Before You Begin Purpose of Evaluation To provide an evaluation of the staff member’s performance and potential To pinpoint strengths and weaknesses and to outline and agree upon a practical improvement program To maintain communication between employee and supervisor Instructions Listed below are a number of traits, abilities and characteristics that are important for success in our ministry. Rating is on a 1–15 scale with ‘1’ being the weakest and ‘15’ being the strongest. Below every three numbers is a brief description to help you in the evaluation. Circle just one number on the 1-15 scale under each major category. Carefully evaluate each of the qualities separately. There are two common mistakes in rating: first, a tendency to rate nearly everyone as “average” on every trait instead of being more critical in judgment. The rater should use the ends of the scale as well as the middle. Second, the “Halo Effect,” i.e., a tendency to rate the same individual “excellent” on every trait or “poor” on every trait based on the overall picture one has of the person being rated. Each person has strong points and weak points and these should be indicated on the rating scale. EvaluationAccuracy is the correctness of work performed.*(1-3) Makes frequent errors (4-6) Careless; makes recurrent errors (7-9) Usually accurate; some mistakes (10-12) Exact and precise most of the time (13-15) Very precise 123456789101112131415Comments on accuracy:Alertness (Attentiveness) is the ability to grasp instructions, to meet changing conditions and to solve unusual or problem situations.*(1-3) Slow to “catch” on. (4-6) Requires more than average instruction. (7-9) Grasps instructions with average ability. (10-12) Quick to understand and learn. (13-15) Exceptionally keen and alert. 123456789101112131415Comments on alertness:Knowledge (Understanding, Comprehension) of organization is your understanding of the organization and its overall goals.*(1-3) Very poorly informed. (4-6) Lacks knowledge of some phases of our work. (7-9) Moderately well informed of our overall ministry. (10-12) A good understanding; very well informed. (13-15) Has exceptional concept of our total outreach. 123456789101112131415Comments on knowledge:General energy level is the ability to work with consistency and endurance.*(1-3) Often misses work; very inconsistent with handling work assignments. (4-6) Frequently lacks endurance to complete tasks. (7-9) General energy level does not inhibit performance. (10-12) Energetic and healthy. (13-15) Excellent energy; rarely misses work; very consistent with handling assignments. 123456789101112131415Comments on general energy level:Innovative is the talent for having new ideas, for finding new and better ways of doing things and for being imaginative.*(1-3) Rarely has new ideas; unimaginative (4-6) Occasionally comes up with new ideas. (7-9) Average imagination; reasonable number of ideas. (10-12) Frequently finds new ways of doing things. (13-15) Always seeks new and better ways of doing things; very creative. 123456789101112131415Comments on innovation:Team Player (Collaborator) is that sociability and warmth which an individual imparts in his behavior towards his co-workers and his supervisors.*(1-3) Distant and aloof. (4-6) Approachable; friendly when known. (7-9) Warm; friendly; sociable. (10-12) Very sociable; congenial. (13-15) Builds team spirit; creates good will in the workplace. 123456789101112131415Comments on team player (collaborator):Goal-Orientation is the desire to set and attain goals; to achieve.*(1-3) Has poorly defined goals; acts without a purpose. (4-6) Sets goals too low; little effort to achieve. (7-9) Sets average goals and puts forth the effort to reach them. (10-12) Strives hard; has unusually high desire to achieve-more than required. (13-15) Sets higher and more demanding goals than management. 123456789101112131415Comments on goal orientation:Quantity of work is not only the amount but what is actually accomplished.*(1-3) Very little. (4-6) Just enough to get by. (7-9) Volume of work is satisfactory. (10-12) Industrious; does more than required. (13-15) Superior output. 123456789101112131415Comments on quantity of work:Management (Administration) is getting things done through other people (answer only if applicable).(1-3) Does everything himself. (4-6) Does most things himself; delegates some. (7-9) Delegates a lot but still does much that others could do. (10-12) Delegates freely; involves many in his work. (13-15) Outstanding at delegating; a very capable leader. 123456789101112131415Comments on management:Judgment is the ability to form an opinion, make an estimate, or reach a conclusion when faced with a problem.*(1-3) Jumps to conclusions; is biased. (4-6) Considers only obvious facts. (7-9) Generally considers more than obvious facts; is objective. (10-12) Judgments are very good. (13-15) Extremely astute at drawing proper conclusions. 123456789101112131415Comments on judgment:Productivity is one’s effectiveness in producing results.*(1-3) Little or no results. (4-6) Limited results in some areas. (7-9) Average results in many areas. (10-12) Good results in most areas. (13-15) Exceptional results in almost all areas. 123456789101112131415Comments on productivity:Verbal communication is the ability to clearly present one’s thoughts and ideas by the spoken word.*(1-3) Slow of speech; hesitant; halting. (4-6) Can be understood but is often unclear. (7-9) Speaks with reasonable ease; gets message across. (10-12) Good speaker; thoughts clearly presented. (13-15) Gifted speaker; very persuasive. 123456789101112131415Comments on verbal communication:Written communication is the ability to clearly present one’s thoughts and ideas in writing.*(1-3) Writes poorly; hard to understand what is said. (4-6) Somewhat careless with grammar and spelling; can be understood. (7-9) Acceptable; some grammatical errors and occasional misspelling. (10-12) A good writer; clear and concise. (13-15) Exceptionally gifted writer. 123456789101112131415Comments on written communication:Temperament is an individual’s attitude and behavior that suits him to his job.*(1-3) Unsatisfactory for this job. (4-6) Questionable for this job. (7-9) Satisfactory for this job. (10-12) Very desirable for this job. (13-15) Outstanding for this job. 123456789101112131415Comments on temperament:Personal appearance (Presentation) is the outward impression one makes on others. (Consider cleanliness, grooming, neatness and appropriateness of dress to job.)*(1-3) Untidy; poor taste in dress. (4-6) Sometimes untidy and careless about personal appearance. (7-9) Generally neat and clean personal appearance is satisfactory. (10-12) Careful about personal appearance; dresses in good taste. (13-15) Unusually well-groomed; very neat; excellent tastes. 123456789101112131415Comments on personal appearance:Dependability is the ability to do required jobs well with a minimum of supervision.*(1-3) Needs close supervision; unreliable. (4-6) Sometimes needs prompting. (7-9) Usually takes care of things promptly. (10-12) Requires little supervision; is reliable. (13-15) Requires a minimum of supervision; very reliable. 123456789101112131415Comments on dependability:Courtesy is the polite attention a person gives to other people.*(1-3) Blunt, discourteous; antagonistic. (4-6) Sometimes a bit tactless. (7-9) Agreeable and pleasant. (10-12) Always very polite and willing to help. (13-15) Extremely courteous and very pleasant. 123456789101112131415Comments on courtesy:Self-improvement is that involvement in activities that help one to grow as a person.*(1-3) Satisfied; no effort to improve. (4-6) Occasionally tries to learn something new. (7-9) Shows some interest in self-improvement and reads a good bit. (10-12) Reads widely and is anxious to learn. (13-15) Goes beyond what is expected to improve job understanding and performance. 123456789101112131415Comments on self-improvement:Attitude is a frame of mind that more than anything else will determine the outcome of any given task or one’s overall performance.*(1-3) Very negative; pessimistic. (4-6) Moody at times; easily discouraged; downgrades himself. (7-9) Generally optimistic; willing to try; thinks positive most of the time. (10-12) Rarely discouraged; very optimistic. (13-15) Extremely positive outlook; an inspiration to 123456789101112131415Comments on attitude:Flexibility is the capacity to change course or practice when necessary.*(1-3) Extremely rigid; accepts no change or seeks change merely out of boredom. (4-6) Prefers status quo; accepts some change. (7-9) Willing to accept most change when convinced of its purpose. (10-12) Readily adjusts to new ideas and methods. (13-15) Adjusts with ease to change; openly leads the way. 123456789101112131415Comments on flexibility:Punctuality is the ability to be on time and produce according to a determined schedule.*(1-3) Often late. (4-6) Sometimes late. (7-9) Rarely late. (10-12) Never late. (13-15) Often early. 123456789101112131415Comments on punctuality:Balance is the ability to focus on work in the midst of home, health and family concerns.*(1-3) Often distracted; misses work regularly. (4-6) Sometimes distracted. (7-9) Reasonably balanced. (10-12) Well balanced. (13-15) Exceptionally well balanced; never distracted. 123456789101112131415Comments on balance:Spirituality is the trait that imparts a greater sense of God’s purpose and presence to others in the workplace.*(1-3) Often detracts from spiritual atmosphere. (4-6) Sometimes detracts from spiritual atmosphere. (7-9) Adds to spiritual atmosphere. (10-12) Often lifts spiritual atmosphere. (13-15) A person after God’s own heart. 123456789101112131415Comments on spirituality: Summary and CommentsOverall Evaluation*(1-3) Completely unsatisfactory. (4-6) Marginal; improvement is required. (7-9) Acceptable but improvement is possible and desirable. (10-12) Definitely above average. (13-15) Exceptional; doing an excellent job. 123456789101112131415Major Strong PointsMajor Strong Point #1Major Strong Point #2Major Strong Point #3These can be more effectively used by doing the following:123Major Weak PointsMajor Weak Point #1Major Weak Point #2Major Weak Point #3These can be more effectively strengthened by doing the following:123How I can better supervise and support this staff member:123I suggest the following possibilities for further training:123Employee’s Future with CPM:Does the Employee have any suggestions for improving the workplace?Does the employee plan to continue serving with CPM?Other Comments:Where does this employee go to church?Name of Pastor/LeaderHow long has this person attended this church?Evaluated by*Evaluator's Signature*PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.